2 min read

Expo Env Load Behavior

mobile react-native expo

Expo has different behavior on how it loads env variables on dev server, EAS Build, and EAS Updates

  • On dev server and EAS Updates, by default it will load .env
  • On EAS Build (unless we upload .env to EAS Build or exclude .env* from .gitignore), it’s recommended to define it in eas.json. EAS build only has access to files being not ignored through gitignore and EAS secrets.
  • To make sure EAS Updates load the desired env:
    1. Define NODE_ENV and .env.${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}. For example we want to use .env.production:
    2. Add --clear-cache to make sure it load the most fresh value
    npx cross-env NODE_ENV=production eas update --channel production --message "fix issues"
